Pregnancy Acne: Causes and Remedies

Many women find that the hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to more frequent or even painful breakouts of acne. For women who have enjoyed clear skin before becoming pregnant, this can be a hard adjustment. Fortunately, some basic lifestyle changes and remedies can help to alleviate pregnancy acne at least in part.  Why does acne get worse during pregnancy? Hormone changes are drastic during pregnancy. High levels of androgens are the guilty party—they enlarge your pores and stimulate increased secretion of sebum.

Hirutism: What You Can Do About Unwanted Chin Hair

Hirutism is a condition that causes male-pattern hair growth in women. What this means is that if you have hirutism, you might experience hair growth on your face, upper arms, chest or back. While a few hairs here and there are nothing to worry about, many women suffer in silence from this potentially embarrassing condition. The first thing you should do if you notice excessive hair growth in places that you would not expect to see on a woman is to see your doctor.