Working With A Dermatologist To Perfect My Skin

Cut It Out! Why Many Dermatologists Prefer To Surgically Remove Skin Cancer

When you are diagnosed with skin cancer, your dermatologist's first instinct is to cut it out. There are actually several good reasons why this is the go-to approach for skin cancer. Despite any gut reactions you have for having pieces of your flesh removed, you just might thank your dermatologist after you know the reasons why he/she chooses surgery.

Prevents Cancer Cells from Spreading

Other treatments for skin cancer are best used for tiny little areas that are not spreading quickly. Any areas of cancer over an inch or so wide means that you are at risk of having those cells go rogue and run rampant. Removing these areas quickly prevents the spread of the cancer cells.

Gets All the Cancer Cells the First Time

Surgery is the sure-fire way to get all the cancer cells the first time. This is because the dermatologist goes a little bit deeper in the tissue than where the cancer cells are supposedly lingering. He or she also makes an incision around the growth area that is a couple millimeters outside the border of the melanoma. The sample is tested on these deeper and farther out edges to make sure all the cancer was removed. Hence, surgery gets all of the cancer cells the first time around.

You Will Heal Faster and Worry Less

Human flesh has a way of sealing itself together, if stitched together properly. You will heal faster than you would from some of the other treatments, plus surgery will not make you nauseous. You will heal faster and worry less about whether or not the cancer is gone knowing for certain that it is.

A Little Pain Now for Better Health and Less Concern Later

Quite honestly, if you could choose to cure all cancers simply by cutting them out, why would you not? Sure, you have to endure some pain initially, but it is worth the little bit of pain now for better health and less concern later. Your dermatologist knows what he/she is doing, and most skin cancer removal procedures can be done in the office under local (not general) anesthesia. You will not feel any pain until the anesthesia in the surgical site wears off a few hours later.

If you have other fears or concerns, you should talk to your doctor. There may be ways that he/she can help you relax during the procedure. You may also be able to have a close family member in the office with you during the procedure, which can help.
